The award-winning book about
the Brain Gym® program

“I found it a joy to read this book.”

~ Paul E. Dennison, Ph.D.

Co-Founder of the Brain Gym® Program

“This book is tender and wise.
Written from the heart,
from inside the process,
it is the most helpful book I’ve read
on grieving and healing.”

~ Rose Harrow

Mentor to Leaders and Changemakers

Educate Your Brain

Kathy Brown, M.Ed.

“My goal was to bring together all the simplified basics of
the amazing Brain Gym® program, making them both
understandable to the newcomer and useful to the
seasoned Edu-K consultant —
so people of all ages and abilities can live
a more fulfilling, capable life.”

Permission to Heal Through Grieving

Kathy Riley Brown

“In this book I share what I lived and learned
as I moved through the grieving process
following the passing of my dear husband, Laird.
My goal has been to name the feelings,
and explore them with love and compassion,
leaving us all with Permission
to experience the truth of what’s happening,
and to be transformed by it.”

Copyright© 2020 Kathy Brown. All rights reserved.
Brain Gym® is a registered trademark of Brain Gym® International
Please see the Brain Gym website at